Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents Richer

ATTENTION READERS: My nerdiness has reached new bounds!

By now you've had enough time to connect the title of this post to the picture above to know that I have indeed collected all 50 state quarters. It may have taken me more than a few seconds to figure out how much money 50 quarters makes but I finally solved that tricky division problem. I knew that college degree was good for something!

This goal was a late addition to the list. And by late, I mean I added it about a month ago. Cheating you say?? O well. It's my list, I can do whatever I want haha. Anyway, it found its way on my list because I'm always coming home from work with a pocket full of change from tips, food change, and whatnot. I always put it in a designated "change cup" on my desk, wait till it fills up, and eventually coinstar that bad boy. Let me tell you, those pennies add up. I think my last receipt was for around 75 bucks! It's kinda like getting extra cash out of the blue too because nobody really considers change actual money right?

I was sifting through my cup one day and realized I had a lot of quarters. I knew Jim had this item on his list too so I thought what the hell, I'll see how many I have. I had more than half so I did the ole switch-a-roo on my list and started trying to actually find the states I was missing. This sounds thrilling I'm sure but it actually gave me something to do at work. I would constantly check the cashier drawer for state quarters and swap them out for normal quarters I had. There's a good chance this looked highly suspiscious to the security cameras but I was swapping not stealing!!!

As you can guess, I eventually found all 50. It took about a month. As close as Washington is to California, it was surprisingly the last one I found. And just to remove any doubt of my nerdiness, I arranged all the quarters in the nice United States outline that you see above. My dad has apparently found like 5 copies of all 50 states so I think he "outnerds" me there.

67. Collect all 50 state quarters (50/50)

P.S. This task might help me learn the map of the states in case I ever want to maybe take a road trip across the country this summer.......perhaps around late August/early September.......

1 comment:

  1. You are totally a cheater for adding this to your list late, and not only that, you are also a thief for stealing this goal from Jim! Other than that, congratulations, haha :) You better start planning that road trip...
